Many of us have experienced it — a stubborn knot in your neck or a tight spot in your back that just won’t ease up. Those knots are called trigger points and they can make everyday tasks difficult. But you don’t have to live with that discomfort. Learn more about trigger points and if trigger point injections might deliver the relief you need.

Tigger Points vs. Muscle Tightness: How Can You Tell?

The first question you may have is what’s the distinction between general muscle tightness and trigger points? There are many differences between trigger points and more typical muscle tightness or stiffness. Here’s a handy list to help you tell them apart.

IS IT A TIGHT MUSCLE OR A TRIGGER POINT? Does the entire muscle hurt or a small, specific area? If you press on the area that hurts does it cause pain in a different part of the body? Can you feel a knot under the skin?


 Trigger Points: What Are They and Where Do They Occur?

So what exactly are trigger points? Trigger points are inflamed, knotted areas of muscle – sometimes they are even called muscle knots. Trigger points are one of the most common muscle disorders and they can affect anyone. Common causes include exercising, inactivity, and poor posture.

There are two types of trigger points: active and latent. Active means it hurts when you move, and latent means it hurts only when someone applies pressure to the trigger point. Trigger points are known to cause:

  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Referred pain somewhere else in the body, like the chest

Trigger points most often affect the trapezius muscle, so pain from trigger points is most often reported in the following places:

  • Upper back
  • Shoulders
  • Neck

How Trigger Point Injections Provide Lasting Pain Relief

Trigger point injections involve using a very small needle to inject a solution directly into these tense knots. Benefits of the treatment include:

  • Relaxing Muscles: Trigger point injections work by numbing the trigger point, helping your muscles to relax, which improves blood flow and promotes healing.
  • Reducing Inflammation: If inflammation is part of your pain, some trigger point injections include anti-inflammatory medication that reduces swelling and offers longer-lasting relief.
  • Breaking the Pain Cycle: By directly addressing the trigger points, trigger point injections can interrupt the cycle of pain and muscle spasms that keep you from feeling better.
  • Relieving Referred Pain: Trigger point injections are especially effective if your pain radiates to other areas, providing a comprehensive approach to pain management.
  • Supporting Other Treatments: Trigger point injections prepare your muscles for other therapies, making treatments like chiropractic adjustments more effective.

What to Expect During Your Trigger Point Injection Treatment

The procedure is quick, with minimal discomfort, and can significantly improve your quality of life by breaking the cycle of pain and tension.

Watch this video to hear Dr. Marciello and Dr. Gallagher explain more about trigger point injection procedures.


At Maragal Medical, we often recommend a series of injections every few weeks over a few months for optimal results. As with all of our services, we’ll work with you to develop a customized treatment plan for your specific conditions.

Don’t Let Trigger Points Impact Your Life

Don’t let trigger points control your life. Experience the relief trigger point injections can bring. Book your appointment online today or call us at 978-537-0555 to take the first step toward pain-free living.